Sunday, October 7, 2012

literacy blog

Here is a blog my wife, a Kindergarten teacher, recommends:

Saturday, September 29, 2012

teach paperless

Here is a blog I found interesting. My goal is not to have a paperless goal, just cut down on my reliance on the photocopier. At my school the photocopier is an area of constant stress. Also, would like the students to use the laptops for what they were designed for- assist learning. Often the computers are used to entertain- for too many students this occurs during class- in lieu of participating in class.

Travel blog

This blog is by my sister in law (wife's twin) who left her job as a lawyer in Portland to work in Africa for the UN. She was only suppose to go for one season, but three years later she is still there! She loves Africa and we enjoy reading about her experiences. 

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Collaborative writing

Two goals I set for my students this year are for them to use their school email and create a google account. I'm happy to report that 90% of my students have met these goals.

Why use school email? In years past when students emailed me from their personal email acount I sometimes would get e,ails from them they were unintended. Also, I think it is critical to communicate on a professional level with them. I was flabbergasted to find out the majority of students never used their school email and did not know it existed.

Why google? I think we all appreciate the services that google offers. I'm trying to prepare my students for life after high school and whether this life involves education, or other pursuits- google is pertinent.

Working with our district's technology specialist, I set almost every student up with both a school email and google account (within our RSU domain). After showing everyone basic functions, it was time for a little shock and awe. Using the overhead projector I put guiding questions into a document which when shared with everyone in the classroom, began our collaborative writing experience. I look forward to continuing on with these types of activities.

I think a shared writing experience is  wonderful. Including students, peers, colleagues, and significant others during a writing experience is beneficial to all participants.

Found this article interesting:

Monday, September 17, 2012

Into the abyss

This weekend I participated in a sailboat race - Around the Rocks (starts in Rockland, leave Metinicus to port, round MDI rock back to Metinicus rock leave to starboard and finish in Rockland. The race is sailed solo or double handed. Needless to say, it is an event in which participants are in close proximity to nature and rely on technology along the way.

This got me to thinking how I like a balance in my life between the "silence" of being in nature (very calming to me) and the usefulness of technology (noisy and distracting).  Yin / yang-- I try to keep the two in a symbiotic relationship. 

While sailing continuously for 24 hours I felt very peaceful being at sea. The weather, wildlife, sounds, sights, smells and tastes of the sea were intoxicating. When needed it was also reassuring to flip on the gps to assist with navigation (keep us off the rocks) to turn on the radar at night for collision avoidance, and switch on the cell phone to report our position to the race committee and reassure my wife that all was ducky!

So, while going into the abyss, I bring the tech gear to insure sage passage, but it sure is nice to unplug and soak up a sunset with the distractions that said tech. gear can create.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

I know you all don't have three hours to watch the whole video, but if you do (or put it in the background) it is very relaxing. I like to have it play while I'm correcting papers.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

First blog

This is my first blog. The first decision I had to make is what to name this blog. I thought of my connection to the ocean. The ocean has always been a big part of my life. I want to use it throughout my blogs in different ways. I am new to this and will be learning as I go.I wanted to come up with a  name that spoke to my idea that learning (and teaching) are always in motion, changing, dynamic, round, meeting in the vortex of the known and unknown.  Ocean motion.

Now, I have to decide what to write that others may find interesting. This is a trial. Will publish now and see what happens